Camille Andrea Callano Sy was a preschool student in TLC and is now a Grade 2 student in ICA. We are delighted to share that Camie competed in the Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad last April 1, 2023. There were about 23 participants who competed in the finals.
According to Mommy Elzerie, Camie prepared for the competition by answering sample exam questions. Mommy Elzerie and Daddy Billy did not pressure Camie to win or place, but they just wanted her to do her best and learn Math strategies along the way.
Aside from joining competitions, Camie is also gaining the confidence to try new sports and other experiences that are outside of her comfort zone. Her parents are proud of her work ethic and they are happy that Camie’s handwork has paid off.
Congratulations, dearest Camie! Your TLC family is proud of you!

Lewis Craig Jimenez Tansipek was a preschool student in TLC and is now a Kindergarten student in Xavier School. We are honored to share that Lewis competed in the World International Mathematical Olympiad last January 7 and 8, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
In the final round of competition, only gold medalists from 14 countries competed against each other. Lewis competed against representatives from Hongkong, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Taiwan, Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia.
In order to prepare for this prestigious competition organized by the Olympiad Champion in Education Center, Lewis trained for three hours a day doing Math drills and answered worksheets on weekdays after school.
Lewis’ discipline, dedication and aptitude for math is truly admirable. His parents are undoubtedly proud our young Lewis represented the Philippines in the world stage. As Mommy Chiqui put it, “I hope Lewis would inspire young kids to learn and love Math.”
Congratulations dearest Lewis! May you reach more accolades in the future!